Help! My Kids Are Driving Me Nuts!

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If you find yourself caught in a spiral of “my kids are driving me nuts, nothing is enjoyable.”

All I want you to do is — notice that that's happening!!!!!

Because it's easy to change it, once you recognize, “I'm just frustrated.”

And what you need to change up— is how you're talking to the kids.

Switch from:

“Stop. No, I told you to stop doing that. Oh, my God. I said it five times.“


— “I need your help.”

— “You're good at so many things!”

— “We're going to have so much fun!”

— “Show me how you do it”

And just watch that everything will shift.

If you're dreading taking your kids to Target, because they are crazy every time and they act out and it's just a pain in the whatever…


Reframe that.

And say, “I love going to Target.

I want us to have fun today.

There are so many things that you can help me with!”

(Because kids love to be helpful)

And we are going to have so much fun!

Because they WILL step up.


They don't want to be annoying and they don't want to get everything taken away.

They want to be able to do all the cool stuff

and go to the places,

but you have to set them up to be successful when you’re there!

If you’re catching yourself and you're taking things away, like, “oh, well, you can't handle this. You can't handle this.”


You're killing yourself.

You need to flip it and say, “I know that you are going to use this thing so carefully.”

Just notice when things are a little off

and you're getting frustrated easily

and re-frame it!


If You Have Students with ADHD, ADD, or Autism - Try These 3 Activities NOW!


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